Commercial with cat for the drug Atoxil

Commercial with cat for the drug Atoxil

AdShot Creative made a video for the drug Atoxil by Orisil-Pharm. Will a pet help you get rid of an unhealthy condition? No, but Atoxil can help. Filming commercials with pets is quite hard work. If a dog can be trained, only true professionals can negotiate with a cat.

The main idea was to convey that Atoxil works indeed and reduces unpleasant symptoms as opposed to many analogs.
The video itself shows that you should not choose low-quality analogs in case of poor health. You should trust proven and high-quality products.

Video description:
So, go to the pharmacy and bring me Atoxil. The Atoxil! Not the junk you got last time. Got it? A-to-xil (the cat meows in response). I see you’re no help at all. I’ll have to do it myself.
The real Atoxil really helps.

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