Survived parcels
Entrant name: Gusev Art Lab
Advertiser: Nova post
Awards — Contest / Category:
Best of Contest — Craft/Technology / PR Craft / Brand Voice & Strategic Storytelling
Gold — Creative Communications / Integrated & Innovation / Tactical/Real-Time Response
Gold — Craft/Technology / PR Craft / Earned Media
Silver — Creative Communications / Integrated & Innovation / Integrated Campaigns
Silver — Creative Communications / PR / Tactical/Real-Time Response
Silver — Social Goals Contests / Peace / PR Campaigns
Bronze — Social Goals Contests / Peace / Integrated Campaigns
On October 21, 2023, Russian army attacked with a missile postal centre of Nova Post in Kharkiv region. Inside the postal centre there were workers who continued to send parcels throughout Ukraine. 8 workers has been killed. 14 injured. Most of the territory of the terminal was destroyed. It was not possible to save much. For Nova Post it was important to unite people around the tragedy. To do this the brand launched a communication with symbolic illustration by Artem Gusev. This image, touched many people. Next Nova Post collected all parcels that survived the attack and marked each one with message – “This parcel survived the missile strike” and sent them to the addressees despite everything. Emphasising the importance and danger of the work of everyone in Nova Post, providing services to everyone who needs it. And reminding that Nova Post has always been and will be with Ukrainians. The communication went viral and reached an audience of millions. People around the world support Nova Post, took photos of their survived parcels and share it on social media. Top Ukrainian bloggers spread the message about tragedy and survived parcels. Communication of Nova Post became a strong message for everyone.