MasterZoo video

MasterZoo video

Agency Taktika has released a promo video for the pet supplies online store MasterZoo in the format of a joint furry message from pets. In it, furry, feathered, and scaly personalities from various parts of Ukraine lovingly address their humans, thanking them for their care and understanding. Joining the message are Freya the corgi from the capital, Rudik the dog from Zhashkiv, old iguana Juan, a cat from Kharkiv, a parrot, and others


The agency’s task was to create an emotional national campaign for the brand. The creatives decided to let the furry personalities speak to their humans with the support of MasterZoo. They wanted people to recognize the characters of their pets.

The concept of the message, in addition to the video, was also extended to outdoor advertising and radio spots, where the furry personalities thanked their humans for more practical things, like the swing in the parrot’s cage.

Video Script:

This is a joint furry message supported by MasterZoo.

[Parrot] Vasya, remember how I was sitting in a cage at the market? And then you came along. Thank you for finding me.

[Mouse] Sonya, I want to thank you for cleaning my new house better than your own.

[Dog] Vadik, I may not be the most obedient dog in Zhashkiv. And it wasn’t right to chew your sneakers, but I respect you. Really.

[Iguana] Everyone said I was an old iguana, Juan. But my Ira took me in and never regretted it. Ira, I’d give all my food for you.

[Cat] Lyosha, I never admitted it to you, but when we were traveling from Kharkiv, I was really scared. I don’t know how I would have managed without you.

[Puppy] Tamara, when the siren wails and I start howling too. Anyway, thanks for taking the metro to sleep with me.

And we thank you for your care. In all circumstances and cities, helping you is our job.

MasterZoo. Here and there for furry personalities.

Taktika Taktika
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