«Volya» new design

«Volya» new design

The Rocketmen agency has renewed the design of «Volya» (eng. “Will”) energy drink for the Morshynska brand and adapted it for new flavors.
The team portrayed the spirit of Ukrainian will as it is: irresistible, hot-tempered, unbreakable, and free. These words became the basis of the lettering, inspired by Old Slavic script.The team saved the cultural code of Ukrainians in the design and depicted it stylishly.

The Morshynska brand recognizes the importance of history and has embedded it into the concept of their new product.

To tell the story of Ukrainian will beautifully, contemporarily, and inspiringly, the agency took inspiration from ancient texts. Old Slavic script became the main reference for the lettering.

The team depicted the Ukrainian spirit of will as it truly is: irresistible, hot-tempered, unbreakable, and free. These characteristics formed the basis of the lettering. The design complexity was to keep the previous form of the ornament. To achieve this, the letters were arranged in two rows. The word forms a cohesive ornament, and bright colors show the energy of the drink.

«Volya» new design «Volya» new design «Volya» new design «Volya» new design
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