New commercial for the hike brand

New commercial for the hike brand

The team at Aimbulance has created a new commercial for the hike brand. A dynamic lifestyle and the fulfillment of dreams have always been at the heart of hike’s audience. Life is so vibrant and exciting that there’s simply no time to stop and rest on one’s laurels.

Challenge for Aimbulance

Refresh the brand’s communication message and develop a concept for the commercial. Remind the audience that hike is right there with them, on the same wavelength.

Big idea

When everyday life fills everything around, hike reminds us not to forget our desires. The joy of simple moments in life brings new experiences and opens the way to new achievements.

New message

hike. Choose experiences.

Concept of the commercial

The main characters of the commercial are young men and women brought together by a symbolic giant bottle of hike beer in the heart of a modern metropolis. We see how simply hike can pull us out of everyday routines and unite us with friends in search of new experiences.

Unique filming approach

The filming is done from a first-person perspective – the product appears in the frame from the very first seconds. The main character moves through the city, gathering friends together. One bottle of hike beer is enough for him to invite everyone without saying a word.

Approach to creating the commercial

— Maintain the branding of the content and clearly convey the image of the product

— Create a storyline that is understandable without music and voiceover

— Showcase real-life consumption situations

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