To stand out in the highly competitive pharma market

To stand out in the highly competitive pharma market

Brandly agency has crafted a cost-effective animated commercial for TM Afletin, a brand within the portfolio of Kyiv Vitamin Plant.

Pharma brands continue to dominate the direct TV advertising landscape, leveraging the power of television to engage audiences at scale. 

However, not every brand has the resources to invest in broad-reaching TV strategies.

To help Afletin stand out in the highly competitive pharma market, Brandly crafted a vibrant animated commercial and strategically placed it on six niche thematic channels within the FILM.UA Group.

In a crowded category, visibility is everything. These channels are measured by Nielsen and were an ideal fit for Afletin, a product designed to address stomach issues.  36.6 TV connects with health-conscious audiences. Kus Kus engages culinary enthusiasts, where food and digestion are naturally relevant topics. Dacha resonates with rural lifestyle fans who frequently discuss food-related health concerns. Svitlo, FILMUADrama, and PROKINO appeal to predominantly female audiences — often key decision-makers in healthcare.

While these thematic channels may not boast the reach of national broadcasters, they offer unmatched precision and cost-effectiveness. By targeting the right viewers in the right context, Afletin achieved a powerful presence where it mattered most.

Video Text:

Your stomach feels like a balloon, growling like a storm,  

And it’s unbearable to endure anymore.  

Afletin – the smart choice to make.  

Afletin – easy to get, no need to take with water.  

It’s made to solve the problem.  

The storm calms down, the balloon deflates. 

Brandly by FILM.UA Brandly by FILM.UA
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