Аnimated video about the remarkable work the human heart

Аnimated video about the remarkable work the human heart

Adshot Creative conceptualized and developed creative ideas for Acino’s product, Cardiomagnyl Tandem. And then created animated video advertisements in 30-, 15-, 10-, and 6-second formats. The videos showcase the remarkable work the human heart accomplishes every day and underscore how Cardiomagnyl Tandem helps it continue performing its essential, extraordinary role.

Cardiomagnyl Tandem is a blend of herbal ingredients, vitamins, and antioxidants designed to support heart health and overall well-being.

In our animated video, we centered the concept around the heart. We used a simple association to illustrate the truly incredible work it accomplishes every day. We highlighted a fascinating fact: the heart beats approximately 100,000 times daily, propelling blood through vessels over a distance equivalent to two trips around the globe.

The video also showcased the key components of Cardiomagnyl Tandem — Coenzyme Q10, Rutin, Ginkgo Biloba Extract, and Vitamin E — showing that each one contributes to supporting the heart’s vital functions.

Video text:

Every day, our heart beats around 100,000 times, allowing blood in our vessels to travel a distance equal to two trips around the world. This incredible work of the heart sustains almost every cell in our body. But who takes care of the heart?

Cardiomagnyl Tandem helps maintain normal microcirculation, supports healthy vessel walls, and promotes heart health.  

Cardiomagnyl Tandem. For heart health support.

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