Lowenbrau beer golden rules
Rockets. Growth R&D created videos for Lowenbrau beer from AB InBev EFES. Lowenbrau is a real German lovemark for consumers all over the world. So Rockets. Growth R&D decided to turn Lowenbrau into another stereotype that Germany is known for. German punctuality, strictness, and pedantry can be treated differently, but it is impossible not to
New campaign for the Esculab laboratory
Bickerstaff.799 creative agency has developed a new campaign for the Esculab laboratory. The «Look into Yourself» campaign encourages Ukrainians to finally understand themselves. The videos demonstrate how incredibly valuable it is to find the reasons behind certain actions. Instead of blaming oneself for everything in the world, the campaign encourages understanding that hundreds of different
JETT energy drink commercials
AdShot Creative created commercials for JETT energy drink. Energy at 220 or reactive fuel? Find the answer in the JETT commercial that is a high-powered energy drink that rapidly charges you up.